Tea Party Nation Sends Congrats to Scott Brown

A message to all members of Tea Party Nation Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:46 PM CST / 9:46 PM EST Congratulations to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in voting for Senator Elect Scott Brown! The nation cheers with you! Now on to next battle! Mostly ignored because of the news surrounding Scott Brown, the Illinois primary is coming up on February 2, 2010. RINO Congressman Mark Kirk is running for Obama's old seat. If he wins the Republican nomination, this fall Illinois will have a choice between two liberals for the Illinois Senate seat. Mark Kirk is one of 8 Republican Congressmen who voted for Cap & Trade. His voting record is consistently liberal. Illinois voters do have a choice on February 2. Pat Hughes is a solid Conservative who is running for the Republican Nomination. Now that Scott Brown has won, consider donating your time and money to support Pat Hughes' campaign. Once again, congratulations goes out to Senator Elect Scott Brown! Tea Party Nation Visit Tea Party Nation at: http://www.teapartynation.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed