McKenna Slammed in Party Ethics Investigation

by Warner Todd Huston Early this month Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady revealed that the state party decided to officially reprimand former GOP Chairman Andy McKenna for misuse of party funds and ethics violations. Despite his ethics violations as chairman, McKenna went ahead and launched his bid to become our next Illinois Governor anyway. Should McKenna win office we'll have gone from one ethically ignorant Governor (George Ryan), to a second (Rod Blagojevich) to a third (McKenna). Illinois is already a laughing stock of corruption, why vote for McKenna and make it worse? Anyway, today the State Journal-Register in Springfield (the State Capitol) released some more information about Andy McKenna's ethics violations and the party's reaction to it.
“The Chairman’s office never informed the Illinois Republican State Central Committee of intent to commission this poll, nor did Andrew McKenna ever request approval to conduct this poll from the … Committee,” the report by the ethics committee of the state party said of the poll, which was done by The Tarrance Group at a cost of $28,300. “At no point before, during or after this poll was taken did the ... Committee receive disclosure from Andrew McKenna pursuant to provisions of the … Committee’s Code of Ethics concerning potential personal benefit, appearance of potential personal benefit or appearance of impropriety.”
How can any Republican support Andy McKenna? With the regrettable political climate that the Democrats have foisted on us here in Illinois why continue that mess under a Republican administration as McKenna will surely do? With this 2010 election we have a chance for real, substantive change in Illinois. Let's not throw it all away by voting for your Judy Baar Topinkas, Jim Ryans and Andy McKennas. Let's not stay with the good old boy network that destroyed the Illinois GOP, shall we? RELATED: Pollgate: McKenna "compounded one ethical misstep with another" Marathon Pundit Pollgate update: Andy "Me"Kenna ducking debates Marathon Pundit Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed