The hard working folks at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are looking for you, whether you're a writer or a reader. I admire EFF because they have equal dislike for censorship from any part of the political spectrum, and offer a must-have
Legal Guide for Bloggers free on their web site. They hate censorship of any kind and have compiled a great list of some of the worst recent offenders. Without further adieu, here's an excerpt from their must-read press release about their "
Takedown Hall of Shame":
EFF's Takedown Hall of Shame at focuses on the most egregious examples of takedown abuse, including an example of a YouTube video National Public Radio tried to remove just this week that criticizes same-sex marriage. Other Hall of Shame honorees include NBC for requesting removal of an Obama campaign video and CBS for targeting a McCain campaign video in the critical months before the 2008 election. The Hall of Shame will be updated regularly, as bad takedowns continue to squash free speech rights of artists, critics, and commentators big and small. Read Full EFF Press Release, then see "Takedown Hall of Shame"...
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