The Topinka-Kelly Street Brawl

Does Judy Baar Topinka employ street thugs in her campaign? Apparently so, if allegations by her Republican competitor are true. Topinka is campaigning for the Republican nomination in the Illinois State Comptroller race. William Kelly, another Republican hoping to win the GOP nomination, says that "a campaign official, believed to be Topinka’s campaign manager, assaulted one of Kelly's campaign workers. Charges have been filed with Chicago police. We turn now to a press release from the Kelly campaign: Sunday morning ex-Illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka formally kicked off her campaign for Illinois Comptroller at Ina’s Restaurant in Chicago . Her conservative opponent in the February 2nd GOP primary, William J. Kelly, appeared at the kick-off outside with a statement about Topinka. “Illinois voters have already officially and unequivocally rejected Judy Baar Topinka,” said Kelly. “Under her leadership as party head, Topinka single-handedly destroyed the Illinois Republican party. She is definitely not the future of the Republican party or Illinois.” That, allegedly, is when the rough play began: Angered by Kelly’s appearance, a campaign official, believed to be Topinka’s campaign manager, saw Kelly outside the restaurant. Kelly was being interviewed by reporters from WBBM and WGN when the confrontation took place. The campaign official yelled at Kelly and shoved a video camera, being held by Kelly campaign manager, Steve Ruggiero, into Ruggiero’s face. Ruggiero is a U.S. veteran, served two tours in Iraq and received two bronze stars. A police report, #HR 607258, has been filed with the Chicago Police department. Kelly's full press release about this matter is posted at, along with a video of him being interviewed on the street. As Republican and conservative voters in Illinois consider candidates for this and other state races, it should be remembered that Judy Baar Topinka single handedly destroyed whatever was left of the sorry mess of the Illinois GOP when she was the State Party Chair. Judy "I Brought In Alan Keyes to Illinois to lose to Barack Obama" Topinka does not deserve your consideration. The "crazy old aunt," as some have taken to calling her, gave zero consideration to the future of the Illinois GOP when she made the insane Alan Keyes decision, and she gave no consideration to Illinoisans when she ignored thousands of qualified persons who could have run in Keyes's stead. Whether you vote for William J. Kelly for comptroller or somebody else, just don't vote for Topinka. RELATED: Kelly v Topinka: Yes, It Was Assault Is It Assault? William Kelly Files Charges Against Topinka Campaign Manager The most perceptive man Tom Roeser knows-- Tom Roeser? illinois republicans left the people alan keyes: serious candidate or political conspiracy? ArchPundit Rauschenberger Blames Topinka for Alan Keyes Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

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