EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Jackson Challenges Janeane Garofalo to Debate
UPDATE! See slideshows of the Chicago Oct. 16 March on the Media here, and the Oct. 17 Silent NO More Tea Party event here.
The E-Mail Challenge to Janeane Garofalo - Full text!
EXCLUSIVE - OCT 6, 2009: Chicago News Bench has learned that best-selling author of "The BIG Black Lie" and popular conservative commentator Kevin Jackson has challenged liberal actress Janeane
Garofalo to a public debate. Jackson will speak at the "Silent NO More Tea Party" in Chicago on Saturday, October 17 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at Millennium Park. The event follows a "March on the Media" on Friday, October 16 (details here). Both events are being organized by The Chicago Tea Party Patriots (CTPP).
Insiders told Chicago News Bench at 9:00 last night that CTPP has invited Janeane Garofalo to the October 17 tea party rally "to provide her an opportunity to debate Kevin Jackson."
Our source at CTPP said that the group "will be sending out a press release shortly. Kevin will be challenging her on video soon, as well. We haven't contacted any media yet, so it would be a Chicago News Bench exclusive at this point."
The invitation/challenge was sent by e-mail, CNB learned, to Garofalo's agent at International Creative Management (ICM) in Los Angeles. Jackson, who is fast becoming a well-known hero of the tea party movement, is a frequent guest on Glenn Beck's show. He is a highly sought after speaker, most recently speaking at the 9-12 event in Quincy, IL. Jackson has shared the stage with well known figure such as Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Judge Napolitano, and Andrew Breitbart, to name a few.
Will Garofalo accept the challenge from CTPP and Kevin Jackson? She's been loudly vocal for more than a year now, calling tea party attendees racists and bigots, and accusing the tea parties of being part of a white power movement. It would be especially interesting to see Garofalo, a White woman, debate Jackson about the movement in which he is such an important figure. Jackson is a Black man, and describes himself as a "proud conservative." Would she accuse him of being in league with white supremacists?
In April of this year, Jackson slammed Garofalo on his popular blog, The Black Sphere:
As a black man, I love it when ignorant white women like Janeane Garofalo speak for all blacks. It's thrilling to me that Janeane would take time out of her busy Hollyweird life to protect me and my peeps -- the downtrodden, the oppressed... the lowly Negro. For her efforts, I thank Garofalo, and anoint her Janeane Garofalo: White Chick Protector of the Lowly Negro. Full Post...
Garofalo is alas, an actor. Remember how the Left put down Ronald Reagan and Fred Thompson for being actors? That only counts against you if you're a conservative, of course. If you're a liberal actor, then it's magically okay. In fact, liberal actors and comediennes such as Garofalo (and Al Franken) are considered to be geniuses by the Left. Actors like Reagan and Thompson, both of whom held high public office (Governor of California and U.S. Senator, respectively), are considered to be idiots by the Left.
Respondez Vous, Janeane Garofalo?
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