Andrzejewski Demands Equal Voting Rights for Republicans

A hot press release from Adam Andrzejewski this afternoon calls on the Illinois legislature to allow Republican voters the same rights as those who are registered as Democrats. The press release, below (all emphasis has been added): October 14, 2009 PRESS RELEASE Contact Email: Contact Phone: (630) 899-9191 (Elmhurst) Today Adam Andrzejewski, Republican candidate for Governor, called on Michael Madigan and the Illinois House to allow a floor vote on SB 600. Andrzejewski personally visited Speaker Madigan’s office in Springfield to request the bill be called. “I wanted the Speaker to know of my personal commitment to this important reform measure and to understand the broad based support that this bill has among rank and file Republicans.” This bill, which passed the Illinois Senate 44-13-0-2 earlier this year, would allow every Republican Primary voter the right to cast a vote for Republican Party leadership. Democrat primary voters are already empowered to elect their State Central Committeemen and Committeewomen. Republicans lost this right under Governor Jim Thompson who moved to consolidate political power among the few precinct committeemen, rather than the many grassroots primary voters. "Real Republican reform begins with the passage of SB 600," Andrzejewski concluded. "How can politicians like Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) ask a Republican primary voter for her vote for his campaign for Governor, when he does not respect them enough to allow them and vote on who will be her representative on the Republican State Central Committee?” "This issue is very simple. Give Republican voters a seat at the table, and a say in the party's business, and we will have a stronger party," Andrzejewski said. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

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