Alexi Giannoulias and That Familiar Democrat Stink

Another Obama Criminal: Alexi Giannoulias
The stink that emanates from Illinois Democrats just won't go away. Illinois ranks low, alongside the legendarily corrupt states of New Jersey and Louissiana as international butts of jokes. The phrase "pay to play" is known worldwide, thanks to political scandals in Illinois, particularly those of former governor Rod Blagojevich and of Obama-Rezko. Alexi Giannoulias is known as a thug or sorts, having had a deep relationship with known criminals, including Tony Rezko and Barack Obama. They're all Democrats, and Alexi Giannoulias is merely the latest to reveal himself as just another corruptocrat. The following news release from the Illinois Republican Party brings us up to date (emphasis added): Ethics Alert: Giannoulias Breaks Pledge to Local Radio Station, Takes PAC Money - 10/20/2009 The Illinois Republican Party is blasting Democrat Alexi Giannoulias for accepting third-quarter contributions from special interest political actions committees (PACs) after telling a local radio station he “personally” thought politicians should swear off contributions from special interest PAC-like unions. As State Treasurer, Giannoulias accepted more than half a million dollars from corporate and special interest PACs since 2006 (detailed in link below). But when he appeared on WLS’ Don Wade and Roma program on July 27, 2009 (see link below - key quote at 4:34), Giannoulias said he would oppose all special interest money, including union support. -------- Alexi: So I’m also proud to be the first candidate running for the U.S. Senate in the history of the state of Illinois not to take money from lobbyists or from corporate PACs… Roma: In that spirit of swearing off corporate PACs and lobbyist contributions, what about all special interest money, from unions, from trial lawyers, from, zero PAC money, is that something that you think politicians should all do? Alexi: I personally do. -------- According to the Giannoulias’ third-quarter fundraising report, Alexi for Illinois received $40,350 from special interest PACs -- $30,000 from union PACs alone. “Like Rod Blagojevich before him, Alexi Giannoulias launched his campaign pledging reform – but his actions speak louder than words,” Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady said. “As if gambling away $85 million in children’s education savings while skimming money for his own SUV wasn’t bad enough, Alexi Giannoulias is blatantly misleading voters about his campaign contributions. The people of Illinois deserve better than another politician speaking out of both sides of his mouth.” Giannoulias contributions list from SBE AUDIO from Don & Roma Show RELATED: Obama Protege Tied to Organized Crime? - FoxNews Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

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