September 12 Tea Parties and Events

Here's a list (below the video) of some of the best September 12 tea parties and events that we could find. September 12 will be yet another big day of activism for the previously silent American Majority. Tea parties and rallies will happen around the country. As to why thousands will march on Washington on Sept. 12, read this great explanation by Brendan Steinhauser. Another good explanation of the "tea party" movement is found in "We're All Activists Now" by Eric Odom of American Liberty Alliance. 59 Events Nationwide Big thanks to The Common Sense Citizens Network (CSCN) for this list of events for Sept. 12, 2009. That's the day of the big March on Washington, but there will be associated events nationwide. CSCN's list is preceded with this caveat: "The details of this event may have changed since this event was posted to the calendar. Please contact the event organizers directly for the latest details of the event." That said, go ahead and see their list of 59 events around the US of A. March on Washington - Schedule/Agenda Courtesy of, this schedule of events in the District of Columbia has a caveat as well: "tentative – last updated 09/07/09." Nevertheless, it gives a good idea of what will be happening in the nation's capitol. View the agenda here. The Tea Party Express Road Trip John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit has a good post about the cross-country tea party, which will end in Washington, DC on the 12th. John's got the schedule for the last remaining days of the tour, along with other info bits. American Liberty Tour Not to be outdone by the Tea Party Express, this road show begins on Sept. 10 and goes through October 13 under the auspices of the American Liberty Alliance. The tour will be "stopping in 17 cities during the month long, cross country tour. Each stop will provide an opportunity for candidate training, blogger breakfast meetings, activists training and large scale Liberty Rallies." On Sept. 12, the tour will be in Salt Lake City, Utah. See schedule and more info. RELATED ITEMS: 912 March on DC - A good assortment of related links, info and news On September 12th, 2009, Party Like It’s 1776 And Be Heard America!! Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

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