For roughly 4,000 Jewish U.S. troops, a new year begins at sundown on
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011.
A beautiful article by Alison Buckholtz explains the sacrifices that they make on this high holiday. The title of her piece is "
Onward Jewish Soldiers." Here is a brief excerpt:
After my memoir about being a military wife was published last spring, I received dozens of emails from individuals asking how they can send even more holiday cards and packages to Jewish troops. Our story was warmly received, especially by those whose relatives served the nation in earlier wars. We seemed to confirm their hope that a younger generation of Jews continues to contribute to the country that made our success (and successful assimilation) possible....
May G-d bless everyone who serves in the United States armed forces. For our Jewish brothers and sisters, we wish them all a Shana Tova, Happy New Year, and a safe return.
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