Note: The following invitation text is real. The graphic at left is a parody of the real one, which is further down. Click to enlarge.
From: Friends of Heather Steans
Subject: I'm a Politician Get me Out of Here!
Host Committee
(In Formation)
Hon. Carol Ronen
Hon. Greg Harris
Hon. Harry Osterman
Hon. Larry Suffredin
Hon. Mary Ann Smith
Hon. Joe Moore
Hon. Helen Shiller
Hon. Patrick O'Connor
Hon. Gene Schulter
Amy Brennan
Michael Carrigan
Sue Clark
Dennis Gannon
David Manning
Mike McClain
Phil Milsk
John Peller
Jenny Purdue
Bruce Simon
Dan Sprehe
Robin Steans and Lenny Gail
Jennifer Steans and Jim Kastenholz
Lois and Helen Morrison
Rob Uhe
Beth White
Dear family and friends,
This invitation is for my upcoming fundraiser. This is the only event I have planned. No worries if you can not make it or support my campaign, but your attendance and/or any contribution you can make I very much appreciate. I am up for re-election in February for the primary (I will at some point get a four year term!), and thus your help means a great deal.
Many thanks for your consideration,
What: Yes, a fundraiser for Heather!
Where: 50 West Washington, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois
When: Monday, June 29, 2009, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Island Rescuer: $2000
Island Host: $1000
Producer: $500
Celebrity: $100
RSVP by e-mailing, calling 773-681-1814, or making a contribution at or by clicking here.
Paid for by Friends of Heather Steans. A copy of our report is, or will be filed with the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.
Friends of Heather Steans 5539 N. Broadway Chicago IL 60640
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