Dangerous Fence in Uptown at Wilson & Broadway

A very dangerous situation is ready to literally fall upon Uptown, on Chicago's North Side. Many of you will remember 3-year-old Curtis Cooper, the young man who died after a defective gate crushed him at the Cabrini Green public housing project on Chicago's North Side. the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) records showed that inspectors warned repeatedly that the gate, owned by the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), was dangerous and needed repair or replacement. Well, here's a private sector equivalent and a disaster waiting to happen. The heavy iron fence that runs along the northern edge of the parking lot at 4547 N Broadway Street in Uptown is leaning severely. The location is probably best known for the Dunkin' Donuts in the little strip mall. If it falls, it could easily cause serious injury or death. Photos taken on the evening of June 19, 2009 by Chicago News Bench show that the concrete into which the fence is bolted is weak, and has badly deteriorated around several areas where bolts used to hold the fence in place. (Slide show below.) On any given day, many people can be seen hanging out next to the fence. Will the property owner do something about it before disaster strikes? Will Alderman Helen Shiller (46th Ward) or the City of Chicago spot this before it hurts somebody? Shiller's office is across the street on Broadway. See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

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