
Open Letter to Rosanna Pulido

April 2, 2009 Rosanna, In spite of knowing that I very publicly pulled my support for your campaign, you maintain a link to my blog on your website at in your "Illinois Blogs" list. Please remove it immediately. For your reference, you have it listed (incorrectly) as "Rogers Park Bench." I asked you on several occassions, prior to my un-endorsement of your campaign, to correct the name of my blog, which is NOT "Rogers Park Bench," but is "Chicago News Bench." You were not considerate enough to show me that courtesy, and now you compound that discourtesy by keeping a link to my blog on your site. That gives the false impression that I still support you, which I do not. (You cannot say that you don't know that I un-endorsed you, as you and I have discussed it several times by phone and email. Remove all links and references to me and to my blog from all of your campaign websites, including any Facebook or MySpace pages maintained by you or by your campaign. (You did that for Mr. Moon Khan, York Township Trustee, Asian American Liaison of DuPage County Republican Party.) I note as well that you still have Right Not Wrong listed on your blogroll, in spite of the fact that blogger Chris Barkulis also pulled his support for you. Sincerely, Tom Mannis Chicago News Bench Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

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