Bad Intersections, Ald. Stone, Ald Moore Don't Care

The aldermen in Chicago's 49th and 50th wards seem to not care about the safety of bikers, pedestrians or motorists. To wit: Rogers Park (east) sits along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. It is ruled over by 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. For years, the intersection of W. Pratt and N. Greenview, in Moore's ward and right in front of a school, has been dangerous. The vast majority of motorists driving westbound on Pratt do not stop at the clearly visible stop sign. This includes CTA buses and trucks of all kind, and it happens day and night, rain or shine. I've had a video posted to this blog since December, 2006 which shows vehicle after vehicle blowing the sign. Moore has done nothing about it. Is he waiting for a group of school children to die before he takes proactive measures? West Ridge is ruled over by 50th Ward Alderman Berny Stone, who seems to care about traffic safety about as much as Joe Moore does. Rogers Parka blog's Jackie recounts when she was struck by a vehicle in February, 2007 in Stone's ward, at the intersection of N. Western and W. Granville. While crossing Western, I was hit by a car traveling east on Granville.... he struck me on my right knee and I went flying onto the ground. At least, the driver.... stopped and helped me right myself.... I sustained a small (but very painful) fracture and, for three weeks, hobbled around in deep snow. On crutches! .... I emailed Bernard Stone's office about my accident, and told them to consider putting a red light camera at that intersection. The response? "A camera isn't necessary." So that was the end of that conversation. I suppose that something will be done... after a pedestrian is killed! Full Post... Jackie was not asking for anything for herself. She was asking a city council member to consider a way to make an intersection safer. According to Jackie, Ald. Stone didn't seem to give it any consideration. Ah, Chicago, the city that works. When the aldermen want it to, that is. CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter!

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