Update: Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party Info

From the "Tax Day Tea Party," the online HQ for the April 15th Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party Rallies. Round 2 of the Nationwide "Tea Party" is set to happen on April 15th, 2009, and yes, that's TAX DAY! We'll be working with different groups in a collaborative effort to make this one even larger than the last. Join this group and invite all of your friends! Watch for updates at http://taxdayteaparty.com. Here it is... the first official message of the new Tax Day Tea Party planning group on Facebook. Building on the success of last week's "Tea Party" events, we're planning on hosting Tax Day Tea Party events in more than 100 cities across the country on April 15th. This is VERY doable, but it all starts with YOU! One of the problems we had last week is that so few people knew about the events until the last minute. That should change this time around, because we now have six weeks to plan and market the rallies. But first, we need to do something big. We need to pump the membership of this Facebook group up and fast. This is where YOU can act right now! We currently have just under 700 members. I propose we double that. If we can each get 3 new members to join... our work here is done (for this particular mission anyway). This shouldn't be too hard, right? So please, go and invite anyone and everyone you know to not only join our Facebook group, but to also mark their calendars and plan on attending a Tax Day Tea Party in their city. Government is completely out of control. And unless we rise up and organize, we're not going to be able to stop it. I'm ready to fight, are you? Good... now let's go do it. -Eric Odom PRIMARY SPONSORS: SGP -http://smartgirlpolitics.ning.com/ TCOT -http://topconservativesontwitter.com/ DontGo Movement -http://dontgomovement.com/ Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

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