Big Tea Party Announcement

Special message (below) from the Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party (via Facebook at 10:54 this morning). We have a couple important items to share with you today... 1) There will be a special two hour Blog Talk Radio show this evening beginning at 5:00 PM CENTRAL time. This show will focus specifically on all Tax Day Tea Party efforts, news and updates. We want to invite all of you to join in via live chat and live call in for the show. [Link to the show, with call in details.] 2) We want to extend a special welcome and THANK you to Michelle Malkin and Dana Loesch as our two new National Sponsors for the Tax Day Tea Party. Please visit, click on their logos in the right side of the site, and let them know that we appreciate their support. 3) We're going through the pages today and adding all new cities to the site. We'll also be adding actual pages to the Tax Day Tea Party website with information for each protest. This way, you'll be able to click on a state and view city based information instead of being sent directly to Facebook. 4) We're currently at 2,500+ members and growing. Can we hit 10,000? I think so. Please invite all of your friends, family and networks to join our Facebook group! Let's work together to make the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party protests a Historic event that the media simply cannot ignore! Together we can move mountains, so let's go move them. Best Regards, -Eric Odom Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

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