Nutter Comments on Obama Lawsuit (Kind of)

"RogersPark60626," a local nutjob who is too cowardly to use his/her real name, wrote an insane response to "New Lawsuit Asks Proof Obama is US Citizen" (Feb. 1, 2009), a post about a real lawsuit that seeks information about Barack Obama's citizenship. I made no allegations or accusations in the piece; I merely presented the fact of the lawsuit. Somehow, RP60626 managed to leap into completely unrelated subjects. Here it is, with a response: From: RogersPark60626 Subject: New Lawsuit Asks Proof Obama is US Citizen Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009 But what about your allegations that he killed his own grandmother and is a Muslim terrorist!!??!!?? Please explain, Tom! Please explain!! Or at least substantiate!!!! Happy to, RP60626. I never said Obama killed his grandmother. I implied, in an obvious attempt at satire, that the timing of his visit and her death were coincidental. No reasonable person would have taken that piece seriously. I'm sorry you took it seriously. I have never said or written (or thought) that Obama is or ever was a "Muslim terrorist." [Or any kind of terrorist, for that matter.] Thanks for writing. P.S. - We have a low tolerance for fools, and so all future email from "RogersPark60626" have been marked to go straight into our industrial-size spam folder for immediate incineration. RELATED: satire - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary The Purpose and Method of Satire Roots of Roman Satire - Background on the Genre of Roman Satire Sarcasm Seen as Evolutionary Survival Skill LiveScience CNB RSS Feed

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