New Lawsuit Demands Arrest of Obama's Aunt

Barack Obama's auntie Zeituni has been living in the US for years as an illegal alien. She's ignored the authorities. Obama has known about her for years. She's been given a pass for years. Now, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has had enough and is demanding that the law be followed. (For background, see our November 1, 2008 post.) (ALIPAC) is filing an arrest request with Immigration and Customs Enforcement today and issuing a public demand for President Obama to honor his rhetoric about the Rule of Law by deporting his aunt Zeituni Onyango. (Full Story...) This puts Barack Obama in a tough position. He will either have to prove that he meant it when he said that laws should be followed, or he will have to prove that he meant it only when it comes to other people. (You know, like that line about being our brothers' keepers, all the while letting his half brother George live in a Kenyan shanty town, never bothering to mail a few bucks to him.) "President Obama has promised the American public that his administration will honor the principles of open government, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Obama must either deport his aunt or destroy his own credibility by showing her favoritism." CNB RSS Feed

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