Comment On Obama Citizenship Post

Many thanks to "Mountain Publius Goat" for an email with kind words and a much-appreciated spelling correction. The Goat was writing in about my recent post about a new lawsuit regarding Barack Obama's citizenship. MP Goat's email: Good article about new lawsuit but you spelled the plaintiff's name [incorrectly].... It is Kerchner, not Kirchner, as I read it when I read the case. See the link you cited in your story for the correct spelling of the plaintiff's name: You should probably correct it before people start quoting your story, etc. But all and all, a good story. Good that someone is getting the message out about the continuing battle. Keep up the good work. M Publius Goat, Thanks again, MP Goat. It's been corrected, and we've added your site "Obama Citizenship Facts" to our links list. CNB RSS Feed

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