BOMBSHELL - Roland Burris, Lying Dirtbag

Rod Blagojevich's brother solicited a $10,000 donation from Roland Burris, which Burris did not disclose under oath. The lying scumbag Burris keeps changing his story about this, and it promises to explode into a major scandal. Gee, we're shocked (shocked!) to learn that Blago's Boy Roland Burris is just another lying liar in the stinking dung heap of Illinois Democrat politics. We're shocked. (Okay, we're not really shocked.) Burris bombshell: Blago bro solicited him for contribution before Senate appointment Now he tells us...Oh, this is the third version of Roland Burris explanation of how he ended up getting appointed to Barack Obama's old Senate seat. More at Marathon Pundit... RELATED: Sun-Times Exclusive: Blago hit up Burris for cash - In his third sworn version of events, senator confirms pitch for donations Roland Burris admits to untruths under oath Burris confirms request for Blagojevich donation CNB RSS Feed

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