Is Obama really eligible to hold the office of President of the United States? Some insist not, that he was not born on US soil, thereby disqualifying him under the US Constitution. The BBC will present an investigation: BBC- oldest and largest broadcasting company from Great Britain just recorded an interview with me in regards to Obama ineligibility cases. It will be transmitted in their Russian edition tomorrow, prime time 7-8pm Moscow time, 4-5 PM London time. They feel it is the case of the Century and were amazed, as to why US media doesn't report it. SOURCE... NOTE: That's 10:00 - 11:00 PM Chicago time. Program BBC-Seva, Novosti s Chelovecheskim Lizom Interviewer Seva Novgorodsky Producer: Viktoria Melohina (spelled with k) audio file can be obtained from: Tel: 011-44-772-522-1938 RELATED: New Lawsuit Asks Proof Obama is US Citizen Ambassador: Obama Born In Kenya CNB RSS Feed

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