Moore Constituent's Letter to "The Nation"

Chicago's 49th Ward alderman Joe Moore was recently named "Most Valuable Local Official" by the neo-Stalinist magazine "The Nation" (see "Joe Moore, The Nation and Walter Duranty"). Those in the 49th Ward neighborhood of Rogers Park know better, as demonstrated by the letter to The Nation (below) from a resident. CNBench thanks the writer for allowing us to publish it here: The Nation Magazine Letter to the Editor I'm writing to express my astonishment in your naming Chicago Alderman Joe Moore as 'Most Valuable Local Official' in the annual " Most Valuable Progressives of 2008". I am a strong progressive, loyal subscriber to The Nation, and a long time resident (34 years) of the 49th Ward in Chicago. Our quality of life in the 49th Ward, under Joe's 17 year stewardship, has deteriorated greatly due to his ignoring our LOCAL Ward issues, concerns and services and instead pandering to the media regarding national and international matters. Mr. Moore is very focused in concerning himself with all manner of issues which have NOTHING to do with the job he is /was elected to do...represent and deal with local Ward constituent needs and concerns. As a loyal, long time Nation subscriber, I am dumbfounded by this choice. In making this unbelievable selection, you certainly did not speak to Alderman Moore's local constituents or evaluate and consider his performance on/in the job he is/was elected to do...represent and focus on the needs and interest of the residents of the 49th Ward. Michael C. Luckenbach 49th Ward, Chicago P.S. Over the years, Mr. Moore has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars (millions?) from Real Estate developers (for zoning changes?) and other special interest groups, in-order to fund his Aldermanic political career. It will come as no surprise, if this 'pay to play' way of doing business in the 49th Ward has come under the scrutiny of Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's office. It certainly should. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

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