IL GOP Chair on New RNC Chair

Andy McKenna is the Illinois GOP Chairman. His comments about Michael Steele's election as the new chair of the Republican National Committee: ILGOP Chairman Statement on Steele election to RNC ChairmanshipShare Today at 3:13pm "Today, Republicans sent a message to Americans that our party is ready for a new generation of leaders focused on the future. Michael Steele will lead a Republican Party that reaches out to every citizen, regardless of political persuasion, in every city, county and town in America. ”In Illinois, Republicans share that message because Blagojevich Democrats have embarrassed our state and the people of Illinois are hungry for change. ”The same message of lower taxes, less government, higher ethical standards and reform we are talking about in Illinois are the principles embodied by Michael Steele and embraced by the overwhelming majority of our country. ”Pat Brady and I are proud to be a part of the leadership team involved in Michael Steele's historic election as are the thousands of grassroots supporters in Illinois who are eager for Chairman Steele's first visit to our state.” ---Andy McKenna ILGOP Chairman CNB RSS Feed

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