Contractors Gave Blago $80,000 (Steans Gave Him $200,000)

We are shocked (not!) to read a report that Blago got some big bucks from road contractors. The amount, $80,000, is a small fraction of what Queen of Pay To Play, State Senator Heather Steans, has given Blago. Steans and hubby Leo Smith have given Blago some $200,000 for his election campaigns. Unlike the questionable contractors, however, Steans will actually be one of those who will soon be judging Blago in his upcoming Illinois Senate trial. Think about that: It would be like Bugsy Siegel sitting on a jury, judging Al Capone. An Associated Press review of campaign contributions shows Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich raised at least $80,000 from firms with state road contracts at a time federal prosecutors claim he was trying to cash in on construction programs. (Source) Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

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