HE'S NOT QUITTING... DEVELOPING: As Blago speaks.......... "The legislature has been trying to impeach me since November, 2006..." "In my view, those of us who make the rules....should do unto others, as they would do unto you..." "Since the moment of my re-election in November, 2006....the House stood in the way [of my legislation proposals]...." Said the causes of his impeachment are all the great things he's tried to get passed in the state legislature! Blago is craaaaa-zzz-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (I am reminded of a kid who brings home a lousy report card and blames it on the stupid teacher. "The teacher just hates me!") O-MI-GOD, Blagojevich has lost his freeking mind. He's trying to deflect the impeachment charges of abuse of power and corruption by bragging about some guy who got a liver transplant. WTF?!? Blago says he's not guilty of any wrongdoing. He ended by quoting the poem "Ulysses" by Alfred Tennyson (see full poem in the post just below this one). End of conference. Weird. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

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