ALERT: Blago Hires Drew Peterson's PR Firm

BREAKING NEWS, JAN. 24, 2009 - Is Blago trying to destroy himself? First, he had to have known that his phone calls were being monitored by the feds, but he kept talking. Then, after being arrested, he hires Attorney Ed Genson, the defense attorney who represented Tony Rezko. Genson announced yesterday that he is resigning from Blago's defense. Today, word from the Chicago Sun-Times that Blago has retained the same PR firm that represents Drew Peterson. One has to wonder how Blago thinks this will make him look any better to the jury pool. Illinois' embattled governor has hired the same public relations firm that represents another much-in-the-news Illinoisan -- former suburban police sergeant Drew Peterson. Gov. Rod Blagojevich's decision to employ the Tampa, Fla.-based Publicity Agency comes amid a newly launched media blitz, which will include a Monday appearance on CNN's "Larry King Live." Full Story, Chicago Sun-Times... RELATED: Two Must-Read Editorials "Thanks, Governor" - Chicago Tribune "Gov's plea: Save me We say: Save yourself" - Chicago Sun-Times Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

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