Joe's Pile: Reminder to Shovel Your Sidewalk

For about two years, Alderman Joe Moore, 49th Ward, has known about a pile of gravel that partially obstructs a CTA bus stop on Morse Avenue. "Joe's Pile," as it has come to be known, causes handicapped and elderly people problems when getting onto or off of buses. Bloggers have written about it. Merchants have complained about it. Moore has done nothing about it. But today, Joe is reminding YOU to shovel your sidewalks under the threat of being fined. What a hypocrite. Here is Moore's email: Reminder to Shovel Your Sidewalk Dear Neighbor, During this winter season, my office receives a lot of inquiries from people asking whether property owners are obligated to remove snow from sidewalks in front of their properties. REALLY? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS YOUR OFFICE HAS GOTTEN FOR TWO YEARS NOW ABOUT THAT PILE OF GRAVEL, JOE? Not only is the prompt removal of snow from sidewalks the neighborly thing to do, it's required by city law. If you own a home, apartment building or business, you must remove the snow from the sidewalk in front of your property or business. Failure to do so will leave you subject to a fine. YEAH? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS YOUR OFFICE HAS GOTTEN FOR TWO YEARS NOW ABOUT THAT PILE OF GRAVEL, JOE? If you are aware of a property or business where the snow has not been shoveled, please call my office and we will try to track down the owner to remind them of their obligation. If we are unable to locate the owner, or the owner fails to respond, we will arrange to have them fined. YEAH? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS YOUR OFFICE HAS GOTTEN FOR TWO YEARS NOW ABOUT THAT PILE OF GRAVEL, JOE? If you are physically unable to remove the snow yourself, or simply don't have the time, please reply to this e-mail or call my office at 773-848-5796. We can refer you to people who are willing to shovel your walk for a reasonable rate. YEAH? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS YOUR OFFICE HAS GOTTEN FOR TWO YEARS NOW ABOUT THAT PILE OF GRAVEL, JOE? With everybody's cooperation, we can have a walkable neighborhood even in the snowiest conditions. YEAH? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS YOUR OFFICE HAS GOTTEN FOR TWO YEARS NOW ABOUT THAT PILE OF GRAVEL, JOE? Sincerely, Joe Moore, Schmuck

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