Culture of Corruption Update: Luis Gutierrez

The Bench front page... Luis, Luis, Luis, loo ah, Luis, Luis, the F-B-I, Luis, Luis, Luis, you're gonna cry. U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez is a man of mystery, and federal investigators want to unravel the mystery of his fantastically profitable business dealings. Rezko, of course, is part of the mystery. The FBI has obtained the letter Gutierrez wrote in July 2004 to Daley. Gutierrez, a former alderman and 1st Ward Democratic committeeman, wrote the letter on behalf of developer Calvin Boender. Months earlier, Boender had lent the congressman $200,000 in a land deal.Gutierrez has bought and sold properties with five campaign donors, including convicted political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko. More at the Chicago Tribune... RELATED: Congressman Gutierrez's Real Estate Loan Under Federal Scrutiny Gutierrez cashes in with donors Gutierrez Takes Himself Out Of Running For Senate Seat Pardoning Terror

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