
Camp Liberty, Baghdad: We Salute You

The Bench salutes the good men and women serving their nation at Camp Liberty, in Baghdad, Iraq. We also salute, equally, the rest of the best military in the world, the US Armed Forces. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year to everyone! Camp Liberty is also known as Camp Liberty Iraq or Camp al-Tahreer. It is located northeast of Baghdad International Airport. The Bench has a good number of readers in Iraq. So here's to you, Camp Liberty, and everyone else in the military. MORE ABOUT CAMP LIBERTY: Christmas At Camp Liberty Video - FOB-Hopping in Iraq: 25 December 2007... Christmas in Iraq, Soldiers dine together, enjoy holiday ... DefenseLink PhotoEssay: Soldiers Re-enlist at Camp Liberty DefenseLink News Article: Camp Liberty Water Facility Camp Liberty Iraq Camp Liberty pics Camp Liberty - Iraq Notebook : driving on camp liberty

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