Sharia Risk Project

A startling and revealing series of articles from the Center for Security Policy, "The Shariah Risk Project," details the disturbing - and possibly unconstitutional - trend of major lending institutions to offer "shariah compliant" services. The CSP describes their series: In response to a troubling new development - the rise of so-called Islamic or Shariah Financing - the Center has undertaken a campaign aimed at identifying and exposing the origins, methodologies, and dangerous consquences of this burgeoning phenomenon. Shariah financing involves the use of so-called “advisors” to certify that transactions comply with the tenets of shari’a law’s medieval behavioral code. Worryingly, nearly every one of these advisors works for organization directly or indirectly associated with the radical Wahhabist or Salafist schools of Islamic thought. THE FULL SERIES at CSP...

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