Target? No Bull's Eye at Wilson Yard (Yet)

Is Target REALLY coming to Wilson Yard in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood? Prediction: With the current economic climate and uncertainty, The Bench puts the odds at 70-30 in favor of Target backing out of any Wilson Yard commitments. Who knows, really? A News-Star report says that "A Target spokesman was quoted by Crain's as saying that the retail giant expects to make an announcement 'in a couple of weeks.'" Does that sound like "Yes, we're definitely coming to Wilson Yard"? The Bench doesn't think so. Sounds more like "We're still thinking about it, we'll let you know." So, it seems premature for Alderman Helen Shiller to crow "I told you." RELATED: News-Star: Ald. Shiller Tells Residents To "Lower The Temperature" About Wilson Yard (Uptown Update)