Republicans Abroad: Conservative Ex-Pats

There are Republicans and Democrats around the world. An interesting web site, aptly called "Republicans Abroad," gives information about them. A sample: More than six million Americans live abroad - a number larger than the populations of 24 states in the Union... Republicans Abroad represents and works to protect the interests of overseas Americans on a wide range of issues. Republicans Abroad mobilizes the support of Americans overseas to support Republican candidates in US elections. REPUBLICANS ABROAD WEB SITE... Of course, there are Democrats abroad, too. Here are a few sites about them: French Communists Down, but Not Out - International Herald Tribune West European Communists Search for Allies Albania communists celebrate dictator PM Dahal appeals Nepal's Communists to unite China's Communist Party approves rural land reform Are Nepal Maoists more mature than Indian communists? Video: Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship Video: Crimes of Communism: East Germany Video: The Bloody History of Communism (1 of 14)

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