Message from Fix Wilson Yard

Last night's meeting (Oct. 9, 2008) of Fix Wilson Yard featured Molly Phelan as she gave a presentation to a group of about 30 people. Seems Alderman Helen Shiller is playing games, thinking she was clever by trying to hide yesterday's City Council action. As Molly explains below, Shiller's cheap tactic didn't work. ALSO SEE: First Responders Endorse Michael Carroll for 46th Ward Alderman (CNB, January 26, 2011) Hello All, There have been some questions regarding the latest amendment to the funding for the Wilson Yard Redevelopment Plan. This issue was improperly added to the City’s Finance Committee’s agenda and Fix Wilson Yard will take the proper actions to resolve the situation pursuant to the Open Meetings Act. Fix Wilson Yard asked both Ald. Helen Shiller and Ald. Edward Burke for a copy of the ordinance and amendment. Ald. Burke’s office advised us that their copy was filed with the City Clerk’s Office today during the City Council Meeting and should be available next week through the City Clerk’s Office. No response has come from Ald. Shiller’s office. No information was provided in regards to the issues addressed in the amendment other than there were some “problems with financing issues” for the development. Until we are able to review the ordinance and amendment, Fix Wilson Yard is not initiating contacts with the media regarding this issue. Still, we are appalled by the belligerent abuse of the government process and lack of transparency available in regards to the project. Funny how this amendment was not mentioned in the Crain’s article. Fix Wilson Yard is fighting to stop this abuse. If you have not done so already, please 1) register at, 2) DONATE and 3) Pass this information along to everyone! This is an Uptown issue as well as a Chicago issue! You think Phelan will run for alderman? Stay tuned....