Marathon Pundit's Take on Obama & Sunset Equities

CHICAGO - Marathon Pundit (a.k.a. John Ruberry) is following the connection between Barack Obama and the recent, catastrophic demise of Sunrise Equities. At least 150 mostly-Muslim investors have been financially ruined by Sunrise's CEO Salman Ibrahim and other officers, and the connections between them and Obama are intriguing if not disturbing. Sincere thanks to John for picking up the ball and running with it. His report: Sunrise Equities and Obama - Just a few miles south of where I live is a thriving Pakistani and Indo-American community centered around Devon Avenue on Chicago's North Side. Dozens of family owned businesses rake in lots of cash--Mrs. Marathon Pundit bought some things on Devon--and some of that money ended up in the hands of Sunrise Equities CEO Salman Ibrahim. MORE...

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