Killing Homosexuals? Hmmmm....

See, I would never propose that. Really. It's, well, it's just wrong. Some Muslims in Europe, however, just can't make up their minds as to whether or not killing homosexuals is, you know, the right thing to do. Certainly there are Muslims outside of Europe who feel the same way; after all, they line homosexuals up against a wall and stone them to death or crush them to death by pushing the brick/stone/cinder block wall over on them. But let's stay with these particular Muslims, living in Norway, who can't make their minds up about killing homosexuals. Now, if you're a Liberal, the PC thing to do would be to say, "Ah, but it's all relative and it's a cultural thing. Golly, that's how their culture does it. Who are we to tell them what to do?" The report about an Islamic council in Norway: By Bruce Bawer - For a case in point, I will refer the reader to an episode I’ve mentioned previously in this space — an Oslo debate last November at which the deputy chairman of Norway’s Islamic Council, Asghar Ali, refused to reject the death penalty for gays. When Senaid Kobilica, the head of the Islamic Council (which represents 60,000 Muslims), was asked where he stood on the question, he replied that he couldn’t give a definitive answer until he got a ruling from the European Fatwa Council. This week it was reported that he’s still waiting... FULL POST at FrontPage Magazine... Of course, the Truly Correct thing to do is to condemn, loudly, the atavistic, primitive brutality that could allow even a moment's hesitation in deciding whether or not to kill homosexuals. I say let 'em live. To be fair and balanced, however, there is also this story out of England: Sharia law incompatible with human rights legislation, Lords say. Good lord, common sense in the UK? Perhaps there is still a glowing ember of reason...

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