Many of you remember the rampant fraud and hijinks that went on in Chicago during the aldermanic races in 2007. Here, in Rogers Park, Democrat Joe Moore stole an election from right under our noses. Let's not let that happen again. Whether the winner is Obama or McCain, let's make sure they win honestly and not in the 49th Ward Democrat Party hide-the-ballot-box style. Below is a message from Roger Park VOTER:

Rogers Park Poll Watchers Help Ensure Our Votes Count Greetings, Rogers Park Voter! Sure, you'll vote in our historic presidential election, but what else can you do to make a difference? On Saturday, Oct. 18 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Rogers Park Branch Library, 6907 N. Clark St., our non-partisan Rogers Park VOTER organization will offer poll watcher training. Meet neighbors, enjoy refreshments, and learn everything you always wanted to know about poll watching but were afraid to ask! We'll train any Illinois registered voter and certify you to monitor a 49th Ward polling place on Election Day. You can volunteer for a few hours or all day. Then we'll meet to share experiences and watch the election results together. Rogers Park VOTER works to foster an environment that results in the fair and honest election of public officials who are accountable to the constituents they serve and who demonstrate a commitment to transparent and open government. Get involved and RSVP now for our training session at