

Merci, Monsieur Sarkozy! Progress in the Russia-Georgia conflict: Russia has agreed to pull all of its forces out of Georgia within a month under a landmark deal reached by the president, Dmitry Medvedev, and his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, in Moscow today. It's not all rosy, however: But there was no agreement today on the future status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgia's two breakaway enclaves. Medvedev said Moscow's decision to recognise them as independent was "irrevocable". Sarkozy, for his part, said the EU, which dispatched him to Moscow after an emergency session of all 27 member countries last week, condemned Russia's move. FULL STORY at Guardian UK...

Der Spiegel notes the problems, too:

However, EU plans to send in monitors to replace Russian soldiers don't seem to be going down well in Moscow. FULL ARTICLE at Spiegel Online...