Biden Still Lying About Fatal Accident

The family of the truck driver involved in the fatal accident that killed Joe Biden's wife and daughter in 1972 are upset with Biden. For many, many years Biden has said that the trucker was drunk when his vehicle hit Mrs. Biden's car. In fact, the man was sober. Charges were never brought. Why would Biden keep lying about this, other than the fact that he is a serial liar to begin with? Since his vice presidential nomination, Joe Biden's 2007 statement that a "guy who allegedly ... drank his lunch" and drove the truck that struck and killed his first wife and daughter has gained national media traction. Alcohol didn't play a role in the 1972 crash, investigators found. But as recently as last week, the syndicated TV show Inside Edition aired a clip from 2001 of Biden describing the accident to an audience at the University of Delaware and saying the truck driver "stopped to drink instead of drive." FULL STORY at Delaware Online... RELATED: A Senator's Past: The Biden Car Crash The DWI That Wasn't In Delaware Biden's history of lies and lifted quotes :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ... Public Secrets: Joe Biden lies to schoolchildren? Mark Levin Fan » Blog Archive » Biden lies after saying Bush admin ...