Who "Owns" the Annenberg Papers?

Over 140 boxes of 'em, we're told. We were told - before UIC released them - that the "owners" of the papers were, uhm, shy about letting us know what's in them. Thanks to friend Natasha for a link to the best theorizing on this subject I've seen yet, at the Flopping Aces web site. Excerpts: Just who is the donor, that the U of IL will not disclose, holding up the info chain? First there’s the Annenberg Challenge Ambassador himself, Walter H. Annenberg. Born in 1908, the man has a resume on the Annenberg Challenge website that reads like the philanthropist’s dream.... One of the oddities is a relationship between this man, appearing above reproach, and William Ayers, who is credited for being instrumental in starting the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Granted, Chicago’s challenge was only one of 18 locally designed Challenge projects operated in 35 states. But Ayers? An odd choice of an alliance right off the bat. Indeed, odd and disturbing. Flopping Aces also wonders about the reasons for initialy withholding the papers: One is protection because of respect for Obama. The other is protecting their own interests - physical or financial - against threats from those surrounding the Obama campaign. Which is it? Withholding for respect? Or are they threatened in some way? As the week goes on, watch for updates on the Annenberg documents. We'll learn quickly what is in them. What is undoubtedly more important, however, is what is not. As Flopping Aces wrote, "Uh.. haven’t these people heard of a Sharpie?" RELATED: Shielding The Facts About Obama’s Relationship With Terrorists