For those of us old enough to remember, or who paid attention in history class, the ongoing rape of Georgia by Russia looks all too familiar. "Sudetenland" comes to mind (look it up). The West's response to Russia's outrageous act has been tepid, says a former Marines major general. "The Russians went in with tanks, and we answered with [French president] Sarkozy and [Sec. Condoleeza] Rice. You do the math," said the chairman of the United States Naval Institute, Tom Wilkerson, said. [Source: New York Sun, 8/15/08; link below] Wilkerson is a former Marines major general. Wilkerson said he was concerned that such an equation would send the wrong message for America's would-be allies and proposed instead to form a coalition of neighboring states that would pose a military challenge to Moscow. FULL ARTICLE at NY Sun... The Sun article also discusses the hurried arrangements to arm up Poland with a missile shield station.