Reviving the Uptown Theater

CHICAGO - Once the largest and grandest theater in the US, the troubled Uptown Theater in the Chicago neighborhood it is named for may yet get a second lease on life - literally. Lorraine Swanson, News-Star, gives us some updated information: Unlike past efforts to restore the Uptown, the transfer of deed to the new owners, finalized last week in Cook County foreclosure court, comes with a deadline. Mickelson's group has 90 days to submit a plan to bring the Uptown in compliance with the city's building code, and six months after that to obtain building permits to begin rehabbing the building. More... The Uptown Theater is was built in 1925. It closed in 1981. Since that time, it has primarily served as a canvas for graffiti vandals. RELATED: SOLD! Chicago's Historic Uptown Theater gets a new owner... Uptown Theater « Chicago Theater Blog Cinema Treasures Uptown Theater Jazz Age Chicago--Uptown Theater Jam Productions' $3.2 million bid buys Uptown Theatre ... Uptown Chicago Commission