Remember Hippies? I do, although I was only 19 by the time it was no longer cool to be one, circa 1974. Once the arbiters of fashion and all things groovy, Hippies were seen as losers and just another passing fad by 1975.

It is now the enviro-wackos' turn at becoming unfashionable is (finally) here. Indeed, the radical environmentalists are led primarily by aging hippies, women who haven't shaved anything in decades and the men who like them.

It's no longer cool to be a "green," or an environmentalist nutjob. It's still cool to care about the environment, but it is no longer cool to be a hypocritical preachy bore about it. Like, you know, Al Gore. Or that coworker of yours who won't shut up his airplane trip to the Amazon to worship nature, all the while oblivious to the enormous carbon footprint that such a trip requires.

"So the salad days are over; it's the end of the greens," writes Alice Thomson in the Times Online. "Where only a year ago the smart new eco-warriors were revered, wormeries and unbleached cashmere jeans are now seen as a middle-class indulgence. But the problem for the green lobby isn't that it has been overrun by “toffs”: it's the chilly economic climate that has frozen the shoots of environmentalism. Espousing the green life, with its misshapen vegetables and non-disposable nappies, is increasingly being seen as a luxury by everyone."

We need to start calling out the hypocrites and environmentalist zombies. Bless Alice Thompson for writing this fine piece.

RELATED: The Greens Are Going Crazy