Current polls show Bush's approval rating is around 30 percent. The same polls show approval ratings for Congress at around seven percent. Yep.
Dictator Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the House, is not acting democratically. In case you haven't heard,
Queen Nancy still refuses to allow the House of Representatives in Congress to vote on a measure that would allow more domestic drilling of oil in the U.S. The Democrats, knowing they would lose the vote, are not playing fair. But then, that's why they call themselves "Democrats." Kind of like the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea). Not much democratic about that.
Meanwhile, Pelosi is on a book tour. Her book is tanking in sales and more often than not she is met by protestors demanding her impeachment than by fans or book buyers. (
More about that...)
No wonder, since the
do-nothing Democrats have "controlled" it for two years under the Iron Maiden, Nancy Pelosi. Have they ended the war as promised?
No. Have they lowered the price of gasoline as promised?
No. (It was, by the way around $2.00 per gallon when Pelosi promised to do something about the high prices at the pump.) Most Americans are unhappy with President Bush, but
virtually all Americans are unhappy with Congress and Nancy Pelosi.
The Democrats Resist Logic - Washington Post - They say that we cannot drill our way out of the oil crisis. Of course not. But it is equally obvious that we cannot solar or wind or biomass our way out. vote, end to vacation
The Antithesis of a Rational American Energy Policy - Wall Street Journal -
Nancy Pelosi's anti-fossil fuel/antinuclear policies have made us hostage to foreign oil -- and stonewalling a vote makes her radical green supporters happy.
Vote/Drill Now: Call Pelosi Today (202) 225-0100
Stephanopoulos to Pelosi: Why No Up or Down Vote on Drilling ...
Pelosi's drill-nothing Congress
House GOP calls for offshore drilling