The mainstream media, to no surprise, is happy as hell that a hurricane is about to ravage parts of the Gulf Coast. Oh yes, they
really are.
To wit, a post this morning by
Isaac Mass (emphasis added):
As the gulf coast is about to be hit by hurricane Gustav, the twin cities of Minnesota are facing a hurricane of liberal media. The Dakota Best Western in Egan where I have been staying is mostly populated by the staff and crew of NBC and MSNBC. I was appalled by the conversations I overheard standing in the lobby. Laughing and joking, they were genuinely gleeful about the possibility that the Republican Convention might be impacted by the natural disaster likely to strike the south east on the opening night of the convention. One joked, “Its God’s revenge against George Bush.” FULL POST at
I'm guessing that those staff and crew are Obama sympathizers, and belong to some of the more than 90% of the media that describe themselves as "liberal."
Compassionate sons of bitches, aren't they?