Mainstream Media Lags on Arson Reporting

Most local mainstream media did not bother to Rogers Park to look at the Morse Theatre fire scene on Sunday. Chicago News Bench was one of the few citizen journalists to visit the fire scene as it was happening, and we posted our photos on the morning of August 10. The only newspaper reporter to be on the scene was Lorraine Swanson of the News-Star (of Lake Effect News since May, 2009). The Chicago Sun-Times has no story about the fire. Arson Possible In Theater Fire (Aug. 11) Arson Possible In Theater Fire - News- (Aug. 8) Amusing, since the fire occurred on August 10) Arson suspected in Rogers Park theater fire (Aug. 10) Chicago Tribune - Fire At Rogers Park Theatre, Arson Suspected (Aug. 11) CBS2's report was especially poor: "Police are investigating a possibly suspicious fire that started at a Rogers Park neighborhood theater under renovation on the North Side Sunday morning." "Possibly suspicious" is redundant. A "suspicious fire," as they should have written, would be one that is possibly arson. "About 4 a.m., the fire started at the Morse Theatre, 1328 W. Morse Ave., Rogers Park District police said." No, the fire started before 3:30 a.m. If the Sun-Times had come to the scene they would know that. "Fire investigators determined the fire 'was started with materials at the back of the theater,' according to district police, who would not say whether arson is suspected." "Would not say whether arson is suspected," says CBS2. Huh? If [24th] District police said the fire "was started with materials," that's a strong statement that it was deliberate, and therefore arson. "A call to the theater was not immediately returned Monday morning." CBS2 waited until Monday morning to call the theatre? It happened at 3:30 a.m. on Sunday.