Free Burma (Leftist Magical Thinking)

Beach bum "Rainbow" put up a "Free Burma" sign on a light pole near the Loyola CTA Red Line station today (see video below). Thank God he did that, for now everyone in Burma (Myanmar) can breath easier.

Rainbow is a guy who, by his own admission, is an alumnus of many county jails across the USA. He was recently evicted from Loyola Park's beach, where he was living in a tent. The Left of Rogers Park immediately became enamoured of him, and are now giving him little duties to perform in exchange for crumbs and a floor to sleep on.

Aside from their complete disrespect for public property, Leftists like Rainbow love to believe that chanting slogans and defacing walls with posters that sport incomplete sentences will somehow accomplish something. It is the mindset that believed that the Pentagon could be levitated, and that doing so would end the Vietnam War. It couldn't, and it didn't. It is the same mindset that today believes that a few succulents on a roof top will save the planet, or that posters of a Hitlerized Bush will magically get him out of office.

For how many decades now have we been seeing "Free Tibet" bumper stickers? Is Tibet free? Will the people of Burma suddenly be "free" of their tyrannical government? I hope so, I really do, but the struggle of the Burmese people against the local tyrants will not be won with magical slogans.