Evanston Shoots Down Gun Ban

Liberal Evanston, Illinois has given in to common sense and repealed its ban on handguns. The vote in Evanston was an overwhelming 7-1. That leaves the People's Democratic Republic of Oak Park as the only Chicago suburb that still has an unconstitutional ban on handguns. Nobody is surprised. Chicago, of course, still has its handgun ban in place. Is it working? Hell no. The murder rate is up 18% from a year ago. Make no mistake, however. The Evanston City Council did not repeal its ban out of love for the Second Amendment or for the people's right to defend themselves. ABC7 Chicago reports that an Evanston official explained explained the vote: "I give Mayor Daley all the credit in the world for hanging tough," said Jack Siegel, attorney for the city of Evanston. "But the fact of the matter is, we think they do not have the high probability of succeeding. And we would rather have an ordinance that's enforceable. And we're thinking the ordinance is subject to attack." [Source] So, Mr. Siegel gives Chicago Mayor Daley credit for hanging tough, eh? Apparently Attorney Siegel has as little respect for the U.S. Constitution as Daley does. At least Siegel - and the Evanston lawmakers - could read the writing on the wall. The old ban became unenforceable after the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruled the Washington DC ban unconstitutional. Give them credit for being pragmatic, at least. Not so with Mayor Daley and his stooges on the Chicago City Clowncil, who are determined to continue to violate your right to own a tool of self defense. Daley and others cling to the belief that a handgun ban prevents gun crime, a belief that boggles the minds of more rational people. It also has the affect of amusing criminals. It is clear that the Daley Handgun Ban is not saving lives. Chicago police -try as they might - cannot be everywhere at once and can only rarely stop crimes before they are committed. That being said, Daley should get out of the way and allow citizens the ability to defend themselves. As the Chicago Tribune reports, Chicago’s murder rate is up 18% over the same time frame last year. 62 people were killed in the month of July alone, and there were several high profile shootings, such as the Taste of Chicago shootings or the murder of a cop with his own gun. In the overwhelming majority of these murders, criminals used handguns, despite 20+ year long ban on handgun ownership in Chicago. Clearly, the criminals are ignoring the handgun ban. More at LearnAboutGuns.com... RELATED: Chicago Confronts a Crime Wave - TIME Gov. says Chicago crime "out of control" :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ... Department of Justice Announces New Anti-Gang Funding to Chicago ... Chicago police: Sending troopers is political move