DFA's Cheney Math Challenge

Matt Blizek, Training Director for Democracy for America, seems to be math challenged. He sent an email blast out to his fellow DFA Deaniacs, in which he demonstrated a startling inability to deal with simple arithmetic. He had trouble with these math problems: - What is 2,000 times 200? - What is 500,000 divided by 5? Matt couldn't figure these out. Matt recalls "sitting in a University of Iowa computer lab and getting an email from Howard Dean issuing the 'Cheney Challenge'." (Clever, that alliteration, eh? Ch-ch-ch-challenge. It's what made the Chia Pet so popular.) Matt reminisced for his DFA readers about "Dick Cheney and his oil buddies," who were having a luncheon fundraiser. Now, here comes the difficult math challenge. According to Matt, Cheney & Company were charging $2,000 per plate to attend. The "challenge," writes Matt, came from Howard Dean, who "had a $5 sandwich online fundraiser and asked, 'could supporters raise more money than Cheney by the time Cheney's luncheon took place?' The luncheon event raised $250K from a couple hundred people while the online campaign pulled in over $500K from nearly ten-thousand donors." Let's review. The Cheney luncheon, Matt wrote, was at $2,000 per plate and, he wrote, "raised $250K from a couple hundred people." A "couple" is two, so "a couple hundred" is 200, and 200 times $2,000 is $400K, not "$250K" as math-challenged Matt wrote. Furthermore, Matt wrote that Dean's "online campaign pulled in over $500K from nearly ten-thousand donors." Hmmm. At $5 per sandwich, that would be 100,000 sandwiches, yet math-challenged Matt wrote that they got "$500K from nearly ten-thousand [sic] donors." Only if they changed the price fo $50 per sandwich, or if donors purchased an average of 10 sandwiches each. Neither seems a likely explanation. One wonders if Matt learned his math skills in a public school. Or, could this be some kind of Revolutionary Math that only a Democrat can understand? Matt goes on to invite you to DFA Night School on Wednesday, August 20th. "Night School is DFA's interactive online training program. Every month Night School brings top campaign experts right to your home at absolutely no cost to you." When a Democrat says they are going to give you something "at absolutely no cost to you," don't believe it. Run like hell. It is especially unbelievable when they can't figure out how many sandwiches they sold for Dr. Dean.