Confessions from the Liberal Media

The so-called "Mainstream Media," which are not mainstream at all but actually elite and out of touch with mainstream Americans, blew the story of the John Edwards' scandal that broke recently. Confessions from self-described liberal reporters detail the neglect of the story, the denial of the story, and the utter lack of interest in following up on the story. It reminds us of the way the media covered up for President Kennedy in the 1960's, when they all knew about his White House orgies and affairs with other women. And no, folks, it is not about the sex. Once again, it is about the lying... and the willingness of the Liberal-oriented media to swallow the lies hook, line and sinker. Tom Roeser, a man easily fooled by arch-liberals (by his own admission, more on that here) writes a brilliant piece that addresses the treatment of the Edwards scandal in a Chicago Daily Observer post today: What is important about the John Edwards story…about which we have not heard the end… is not the scandal nor the former presidential candidate lying about it. It’s how the mainstream media sought to protect Edwards by putting a gag on the story-which actually succeeded long after disclosures first came out in 2006…the gag lasting effectively until earlier this month. FULL POST at Chicago Daily Observer...