Children Operate Real Railroad (with video)

CTA and Alderman Moore, take notice! Apparently, running a railroad is child's play. In Hungary, kids actually work on the railroad, and they say it's "fun." This would seem to be a great way to kill two birds with one stone: Cheap labor for the financially betroubled CTA, and a fun way to put the Boys and Girls Club to run a constructive, educational activity for urban yoots. The Wall Street Journal has a fun article about the Hungarian railroad: Fun wasn't the goal in 1948, when the line was created by Stalinist apparatchiks to train future rail workers and instill political obedience in youths. Today, however, the line is a mix of apprenticeship and day camp. Children learn leadership and teamwork while playing. Though unpaid, the children are graded on their on-the-job skills. From age 14, they can oversee younger children and organize games and sports activities.... Watch the cool video below, then read the REST OF THE STORY...