Barack's Misplaced Pride in Illinois

Two recent articles highlight the fact Barack Obama is just another political hack. One is from the Chicago Herald, the other from the Times Online UK across the pond. "Change?" Not. "Hope?" Yah, sure. The Bench is not alone in telling you for many months now that Obama is beholden to the Chicago-Cook County Political Machine, which wants anything but real change. Do you really think Jan Schakowsky, Todd Stroger, Ald. Joe Moore, and others like them want to change a system that has been so generous to them and continues to nurture their criminal habits? To wit, a great piece in the Chicago Herald: Given complete control of state government, Illinois Democrats have produced unbalanced budgets, callous funding cuts, and antagonistic gridlock. Yet the Democratic leader Obama describes as his political mentor believed state lawmakers deserved a pay raise for their work. Nothing to be proud of, indeed. The Chicago Herald goes on to a nice list of "some of the key figures in Illinois politics and why Barack Obama might not want them in the spotlight." FULL ARTICLE at The Chicago Herald... The other piece is at the Times Online UK: Like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the outspoken pastor of Obama’s Chicago church, and like Tony Rezko, the millionaire fundraiser and former friend of Obama who is on trial for corruption, Jones is in danger of becoming a hindrance to his protégé’s presidential ambitions. FULL ARTICLE...